香港公司熱門搜索列表/Top companies searched list in Hong Kong
Here is a list of Top Companies in Hong Kong, including the English name and Chinese name of each company. Click to buy this company's detailed reports, customized reports and ultimate beneficiary reports about shareholders, directors, share capital and etc.
Here is a list of Top Companies in Hong Kong, including the English name and Chinese name of each company. Click to buy this company's detailed reports, customized reports and ultimate beneficiary reports about shareholders, directors, share capital and etc.
EAST WEST GLOBAL TRADING LIMITED成立日期/Date of Establishment:2024-07-30公司類別/Company Category:私人股份有限公司/Private Company Limited by Shares公司現狀/Active Status:付費查看EAST WEST GLOBAL TRADING LIMITED現時註冊狀態,現任股東,現任董事資訊。歷史名稱/Name of History:
該公司未發生過名稱變更/The company has not changed its name⊙ 在線預覽該公司的股東、秘書、董事、人物關系圖等信息。
Online preview of the company's shareholders, secretary, directors, person relationship diagram and other information
ABBERTON LIMITED成立日期/Date of Establishment:2022-11-28公司類別/Company Category:私人股份有限公司/Private Company Limited by Shares公司現狀/Active Status:付費查看百顿有限公司現時註冊狀態,現任股東,現任董事資訊。歷史名稱/Name of History:
該公司未發生過名稱變更/The company has not changed its name⊙ 在線預覽該公司的股東、秘書、董事、人物關系圖等信息。
Online preview of the company's shareholders, secretary, directors, person relationship diagram and other information
TIANXIA FOREIGN TRADE LIMITED成立日期/Date of Establishment:2010-12-29公司類別/Company Category:私人股份有限公司/Private Company Limited by Shares公司現狀/Active Status:付費查看天下(香港)贸易有限公司現時註冊狀態,現任股東,現任董事資訊。歷史名稱/Name of History:
該公司未發生過名稱變更/The company has not changed its name⊙ 在線預覽該公司的股東、秘書、董事、人物關系圖等信息。
Online preview of the company's shareholders, secretary, directors, person relationship diagram and other information
KIG ASIA CO., LIMITED成立日期/Date of Establishment:2008-09-12公司類別/Company Category:私人股份有限公司/Private Company Limited by Shares公司現狀/Active Status:付費查看KIG ASIA CO., LIMITED現時註冊狀態,現任股東,現任董事資訊。歷史名稱/Name of History:
該公司未發生過名稱變更/The company has not changed its name⊙ 在線預覽該公司的股東、秘書、董事、人物關系圖等信息。
Online preview of the company's shareholders, secretary, directors, person relationship diagram and other information
ASIA FIELD FINANCE LIMITED成立日期/Date of Establishment:2005-08-30公司類別/Company Category:私人股份有限公司/Private Company Limited by Shares公司現狀/Active Status:付費查看嘉锋财务有限公司現時註冊狀態,現任股東,現任董事資訊。歷史名稱/Name of History:
該公司未發生過名稱變更/The company has not changed its name⊙ 在線預覽該公司的股東、秘書、董事、人物關系圖等信息。
Online preview of the company's shareholders, secretary, directors, person relationship diagram and other information