

This is the information of -(third parties appointed by licensed money lenders in relation to the granting of loans), english name of licensee is Ancestry Industry Company Limited, date of registration is -(dd/mm/yy). Note: The list is compiled according to the information reported by licensed money lenders. The Hong Kong databasesets accept no responsibility whatsoever for any inaccuracy of the information on the list howsoever arising(including any delay by the licensed money lender in reporting the information or any changes thereof). If you have any doubt on the appointment of third parties by a particular licensed money lender in relation to the granting of loans, you may contact the licensee at the enquiry hotline indicated in the list.

委任的第三方的名称/Name of Appointed Third Party: -
委任的第三方的地址/Address of Appointed Third Party: -
持牌人中文名称: 名门实业有限公司
English Name of Licensee: Ancestry Industry Company Limited
档案号码/MLR No: 5714
持牌人提供有关查询委任第三方的电话号码/Enquiry Hotline Provided by Licensee to Ascertain the Appointment of Third Party: -
登记日期 (日/月/年)/Date of Registration (DD/MM/YY): -