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Correlation between Hong Kong Company Numbers and Hong Kong Company Business Registration Numbers

The page provides an interactive feature for cross-referencing between Hong Kong company names, Hong Kong business registration numbers, and company registration numbers. Currently, three methods are available for queries, allowing users to search for company business registration numbers and company registration numbers through company names in both Chinese and English, as well as retrieving company names and business registration numbers through the company business registration number or company registration number. Users can perform these queries on this page without the need for registration. Please ensure the correct latitude option is selected before entering keywords.
This information query tool is provided for reference purposes only, and the information provided may not be entirely accurate, timely, or complete. We do not take responsibility for any loss arising from the use or reliance on this information. Users should verify all information themselves and carefully assess its reliability. We reserve the right to change or terminate the query service at any time without prior notice. We disclaim any responsibility for any inconvenience that may result from our changes or termination of the query service.The use of this query tool implies your agreement to and acceptance of the terms of this disclaimer.