坳背灣街註冊的香港公司/Companies in Au Pui Wan Street(Hong Kong)
This is the list of companies registered in Hong Kong Au Pui Wan Street, you can click the company name to browse the company’s detailed information.
iPork S11 Limited成立日期/Date of Establishment:2020-07-07公司類別/Company Category:私人股份有限公司/Private Company Limited by Shares公司現狀/Active Status:付費查看一豚十一号有限公司現時註冊狀態,現任股東,現任董事資訊。歷史名稱/Name of History:
該公司未發生過名稱變更/The company has not changed its name
iPork S5 Limited成立日期/Date of Establishment:2020-07-07公司類別/Company Category:私人股份有限公司/Private Company Limited by Shares公司現狀/Active Status:付費查看一豚五号有限公司現時註冊狀態,現任股東,現任董事資訊。歷史名稱/Name of History:
該公司未發生過名稱變更/The company has not changed its name
BOMBER SALAD LIMITED成立日期/Date of Establishment:2020-07-07公司類別/Company Category:私人股份有限公司/Private Company Limited by Shares公司現狀/Active Status:付費查看沙律轰炸机有限公司現時註冊狀態,現任股東,現任董事資訊。歷史名稱/Name of History:
該公司未發生過名稱變更/The company has not changed its name
Paktil Media Production Limited成立日期/Date of Establishment:2020-07-02公司類別/Company Category:私人股份有限公司/Private Company Limited by Shares公司現狀/Active Status:付費查看拍跳创意媒体制作有限公司現時註冊狀態,現任股東,現任董事資訊。歷史名稱/Name of History:
該公司未發生過名稱變更/The company has not changed its name
NEW IDEA HK LIMITED成立日期/Date of Establishment:2020-06-24公司類別/Company Category:私人股份有限公司/Private Company Limited by Shares公司現狀/Active Status:付費查看新意行有限公司現時註冊狀態,現任股東,現任董事資訊。歷史名稱/Name of History:
該公司未發生過名稱變更/The company has not changed its name
iPork S3 Limited成立日期/Date of Establishment:2020-06-23公司類別/Company Category:私人股份有限公司/Private Company Limited by Shares公司現狀/Active Status:付費查看一豚三号有限公司現時註冊狀態,現任股東,現任董事資訊。歷史名稱/Name of History:
該公司未發生過名稱變更/The company has not changed its name
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