GLOBAL POINT HOLDINGS LIMITED是一家香港公司,註冊於荃灣,坐落於沙咀道上,该司已经成立了16年10个月19天。您可在線瀏覽GLOBAL POINT HOLDINGS LIMITED的英文名稱、中文名稱、歷史名稱、注冊編號、成立日期、改名日期、董事等企業信息,並可為你提供“GLOBAL POINT HOLDINGS LIMITED”的信用報告服務。 GLOBAL POINT HOLDINGS LIMITED is a Hong Kong company. Registered in Tsuen Wan, located on the Sha Tsui Road. It has been operating for 16 year 10 month 19 days.
You can browse the English name,Chinese Name, Name of History, Directors Information, registration number, date of establishment, date of change of GLOBAL POINT HOLDINGS LIMITED for free, you can also pay for the credit report of GLOBAL POINT HOLDINGS LIMITED .
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