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百樂門囍宴/Joy Cuisine

This is the detailed information of Joy Cuisine, its licence number is 2263061062, expdate is 2024-06-30, you can also browse its address, district code, etc. Note: Generation date is 2023-07-19.

牌照或許可證號碼: 2263061062
店號: 百樂門囍宴
牌照或許可證代碼: RL (普通食肆牌照)
地區代碼: 63 (深水埗區)
地址: 九龍美孚新邨荔灣道10-16 號萬事達廣埸 1-11 號及15-17 號一樓N79-83 號舖
信息代碼: #G#H
牌照或許可證屆滿日期: 2024-06-30