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這是 宏傑亞洲有限公司的詳情頁,它的牌照號碼為TC000005,您還可以查看它的營業地址及相關備註信息。
This is the information of MANIVEST ASIA LIMITED, its license number is TC000005, you can also view its business address and related notes.

牌照編號/License No.: TC000005
持牌人的中文名稱/Name of TCSP Licensee in Chinese: 宏傑亞洲有限公司
持牌人的英文名稱/Name of TCSP Licensee in English: MANIVEST ASIA LIMITED
營業地址/Business Address: UNIT 1405-1407, DOMINION CENTRE, 43-59 QUEEN'S ROAD EAST, WAN CHAI, HONG KONG
中文備註/Remarks in Chinese: 無/NONE
英文備註/Remarks in English: 無/NONE