NOMAD INTERIOR DESIGN LIMITED is a Hong Kong company. Registered in Kwai Tsing, located on the Kwai Tak Street. It has been operating for 22 year 4 month 10 days.
You can browse the English name,Chinese Name, Name of History, Directors Information, registration number, date of establishment, date of change of NOMAD INTERIOR DESIGN LIMITED for free, you can also pay for the credit report of NOMAD INTERIOR DESIGN LIMITED .
Company Information / 公司資訊
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Register of Charges/押記登記冊 : 有
Date of Annual Examination/年審日期 : October 09, 2026 to November 19, 2026. A private company is required to file an annual return within 42 days after the first anniversary of its incorporation. In addition, according to section 622 of the Companies Ordinance, if a company fails to comply with the provision, the company and every responsible person of the company are liable to prosecution and, if convicted, default fines. The maximum penalty is HK$50,000 for each breach and, in the case of a continuing offence, a daily default fine of HK$1,000.
Name of History/歷史名稱 : 2002年10月9日NOMAD INTERIOR DESIGN LIMITED 諾汶室內設計有限公司
Due to differences in time or information disclosure format, the information may not be completely consistent with objective facts. It is recommended that you purchase the company report if you need the latest information from the company. 由於時間或信息公開形式存在差異可能會導致資訊與客觀事實不完全一致,如您需要該司最新資訊,建議您購買公司報告 。
Business Card Sample / 名片樣本
Hong Kong Registered Contractors Information / 香港註冊承建商信息
Chinese Name : 諾汶室內設計有限公司English Name : NOMAD INTERIOR DESIGN LIMITEDRegistration Number : MWC 1082/2011Registration Type : Register of Minor Works Contractors (Company)Expiry Date : 2025-01-29Other Information : Expiration Date Description: @ denotes application for retention/renewal has been made - If an authorized person/structural engineer/geotechnical engineer/inspector/contractor has made an application for retention/renewal within the statutory time limit, his registration will continue to be in force until his application for retention/renewal is finalised by the Building Authority even if the expiry date shown above has elapsed. The selection and appointment of any person/contractor in any of the lists is purely a private matter between the building owner and that person/contractor. The lists of persons/contractors, therefore, should not be regarded as recommended by the Government. For the purpose of facilitating user access to information, we have curated and presented data from Hong Kong's public datasets. However, due to the frequent fluctuations and updates in the data, these should be considered for reference purposes only and not construed as official or professional opinions or recommendations.Update Time : 2024-11-16
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