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Recently Searched Hot Companies/近期熱門搜索公司
Here is a list of Hong Kong companies searched by many users recently, including the English name and Chinese name of each company. Click on the company name to view the company’s registration code, registration date, date of renaming, etc.
Acumen X LimitedDate of Establishment/成立日期:2016-07-08Company Category/公司類別:Private Company Limited by Shares/私人股份有限公司Active Status/公司現狀:Pay to view Acumen X Limited current registration status, current shareholders, and current director information.Name of History/歷史名稱:
”Acumen X Limited“在2016年07月08日註冊成立,公司註冊時名稱為”奇順製作室有限公司“。於2019年10月08日更改為”奇順製作室有限公司“。
"Acumen X Limited" was incorporated on July 08, 2016, the name of the company at the time of registration was "Smooth Studio Hong Kong Limited". And it was changed to "Acumen X Limited" on October 08, 2019.
TECHNOLOGY KEEN COMPANY LIMITEDDate of Establishment/成立日期:2020-04-02Company Category/公司類別:Private Company Limited by Shares/私人股份有限公司Active Status/公司現狀:Pay to view TECHNOLOGY KEEN COMPANY LIMITED current registration status, current shareholders, and current director information.Name of History/歷史名稱:
The company has not changed its name/該公司未發生過名稱變更
CROWN ACE INVESTMENT LIMITEDDate of Establishment/成立日期:2012-07-16Company Category/公司類別:Private Company Limited by Shares/私人股份有限公司Active Status/公司現狀:Pay to view CROWN ACE INVESTMENT LIMITED current registration status, current shareholders, and current director information.Name of History/歷史名稱:
The company has not changed its name/該公司未發生過名稱變更
ASIA TOP CONSULTANTS LIMITEDDate of Establishment/成立日期:2018-03-02Company Category/公司類別:Private Company Limited by Shares/私人股份有限公司Active Status/公司現狀:Pay to view ASIA TOP CONSULTANTS LIMITED current registration status, current shareholders, and current director information.Name of History/歷史名稱:
The company has not changed its name/該公司未發生過名稱變更
TIMERICH HOLDINGS LIMITEDDate of Establishment/成立日期:2008-02-11Company Category/公司類別:Private Company Limited by Shares/私人股份有限公司Active Status/公司現狀:Pay to view TIMERICH HOLDINGS LIMITED current registration status, current shareholders, and current director information.Name of History/歷史名稱:
The company has not changed its name/該公司未發生過名稱變更
HO YIN KEE DESSERTS HOLDINGS LIMITEDDate of Establishment/成立日期:2018-09-04Company Category/公司類別:Private Company Limited by Shares/私人股份有限公司Active Status/公司現狀:Pay to view HO YIN KEE DESSERTS HOLDINGS LIMITED current registration status, current shareholders, and current director information.Name of History/歷史名稱:
The company has not changed its name/該公司未發生過名稱變更