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個案 - CASE: 5514

這是在香港感染新冠病毒個案編號為5514的詳情頁,其所在地區為九龍城,年齡31,確診日期為20/11/2020。特殊時期,請您注意防護。請注意,該份數據更新時間為:2020-12-05 12:15:09。
This is detailed page of case number 5514, his/her area is Kowloon City, his/her age is 31, date of diagnosis of covid-19 is 20/11/2020. Please pay attention to protect yourself in special times. Update time is: 2020-12-05 12:15:09.

個案編號: 5514
實驗室確診報告日期: 20/11/2020
發病日期: 18/11/2020
年齡: 31
住院?出院?死亡: 出院
香港?非香港居民: 香港居民
個案分類: 與本地個案有流行病學關連
是否確診: 確診
狀態: 現有
地區: 九龍城
Case No: 5,514
Date of Laboratory Confirmation: 20/11/2020
Date of Onset: 18/11/2020
Gender: M
Age: 31
Hospitalised Discharged Decease: Discharged
HK Non HK Resident: HK resident
Case Classification: Epidemiologically linked with local case
Confirmed: Confirmed
Status: Existing
District: Kowloon City