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East Kowloon Maternal & Child Health Centre(Tel: 852 2321 7822) - 1/F, East Kowloon Polyclinic, 160 Hammer Hill Road, Diamond Hill

This page displays the address, phone number, business hours, fax, email, website, service hours and other contact information of East Kowloon Maternal & Child Health Centre. You can find out how to get to East Kowloon Maternal & Child Health Centre below, the nearest bus stops, nearby Hospital - Clinic - Rehabilitation Center.

Basic Information/基本信息
  • Name: East Kowloon Maternal & Child Health Centre
  • Description: List of Maternal and Child Health Centres & Woman Health Centres
  • Address: 1/F, East Kowloon Polyclinic, 160 Hammer Hill Road, Diamond Hill(How to get to?🚶)
  • Telephone: 852 2321 7822
  • Service Hours: Tuesday and Thursday
    9:00 am - 1:00 pm
    2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
    2nd & 4th non-Public Holiday Saturdays of each month
    9:00 am - 12:00 noon
What are the closest stations to East Kowloon Maternal & Child Health Centre?
  • 斧山道,東九龍胸肺科診所外(30 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 斧山道,東九龍胸肺科診所外 station?

  • 斧山道運動場,斧山道(119 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 斧山道運動場,斧山道 station?

  • 斧山道運動場(119 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 斧山道運動場 station?

  • 斧山道,近真鐸學校(166 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 斧山道,近真鐸學校 station?

  • 真鐸學校(166 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 真鐸學校 station?

  • 真鐸學校,斧山道(166 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 真鐸學校,斧山道 station?

  • 斧山道,新麗花園C座外(187 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 斧山道,新麗花園C座外 station?

  • 瓊東街,近新麗花園C座(187 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 瓊東街,近新麗花園C座 station?

  • 蒲崗村道南行線蒲崗村道與瓊東街交界以北約20米(199 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 蒲崗村道南行線蒲崗村道與瓊東街交界以北約20米 station?

  • 新麗花園(204 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 新麗花園 station?

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