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Chai Wan Maternal & Child Health Centre(Tel: 852 2556 6757) - Level 2, Government Office, Block 6, New Jade Garden, 233 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan

This page displays the address, phone number, business hours, fax, email, website, service hours and other contact information of Chai Wan Maternal & Child Health Centre. You can find out how to get to Chai Wan Maternal & Child Health Centre below, the nearest bus stops, nearby Hospital - Clinic - Rehabilitation Center.

Basic Information/基本信息
  • Name: Chai Wan Maternal & Child Health Centre
  • Description: List of Maternal and Child Health Centres & Woman Health Centres
  • Address: Level 2, Government Office, Block 6, New Jade Garden, 233 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan(How to get to?🚶)
  • Telephone: 852 2556 6757
  • Service Hours: Monday - Friday
    9:00 am - 1:00 pm
    2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
    2nd & 4th non-Public Holiday Saturdays of each month
    9:00 am - 12:00 noon
What are the closest stations to Chai Wan Maternal & Child Health Centre?
  • 新翠商場(25 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 新翠商場 station?

  • 柴灣站公共運輸交匯處(83 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 柴灣站公共運輸交匯處 station?

  • 柴灣站(83 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 柴灣站 station?

  • 柴灣工廠邨,祥利街(97 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 柴灣工廠邨,祥利街 station?

  • 柴灣工廠邨(97 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 柴灣工廠邨 station?

  • 柴灣MTR(108 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 柴灣MTR station?

  • 柴灣道,永利中心外(109 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 柴灣道,永利中心外 station?

  • 柴灣道,柴灣道,永利中心外(109 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 柴灣道,柴灣道,永利中心外 station?

  • 柴灣站公共小巴總站(114 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 柴灣站公共小巴總站 station?

  • 利眾街近華廈邨(116 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 利眾街近華廈邨 station?

Services Near Me/附近的服務