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Tang Shiu Kin Hospital Community Ambulatory Care Centre - 282 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, HK

This page displays the address, phone number, business hours, fax, email, website, service hours and other contact information of Tang Shiu Kin Hospital Community Ambulatory Care Centre. You can find out how to get to Tang Shiu Kin Hospital Community Ambulatory Care Centre below, the nearest bus stops, nearby Hospital - Clinic - Rehabilitation Center.

Basic Information/基本信息
  • Name: Tang Shiu Kin Hospital Community Ambulatory Care Centre
  • Description: Hospital Authority Specialist Outpatient Clinic List by Cluster
  • Address: 282 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, HK(How to get to?🚶)
What are the closest stations to Tang Shiu Kin Hospital Community Ambulatory Care Centre?
  • 聖若瑟小學,皇后大道東(106 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 聖若瑟小學,皇后大道東 station?

  • 錫克廟,皇后大道東(111 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 錫克廟,皇后大道東 station?

  • 聖若瑟小學(112 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 聖若瑟小學 station?

  • 皇后大道東,聖若瑟小學外(112 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 皇后大道東,聖若瑟小學外 station?

  • 皇后大道東,近聖若瑟小學(112 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 皇后大道東,近聖若瑟小學 station?

  • 伊利沙伯體育館,皇后大道東(115 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 伊利沙伯體育館,皇后大道東 station?

  • 摩理臣山道,近伊利沙伯體育館(131 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 摩理臣山道,近伊利沙伯體育館 station?

  • 皇后大道東,伊利沙伯體育館外(131 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 皇后大道東,伊利沙伯體育館外 station?

  • 伊利沙白體育館(131 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 伊利沙白體育館 station?

  • 伊利沙伯體育館(131 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 伊利沙伯體育館 station?

Services Near Me/附近的服務