This page displays the address, phone number, business hours, fax, email, website, service hours and other contact information of Lam Tin Polyclinic General Out-patient Clinic. You can find out how to get to Lam Tin Polyclinic General Out-patient Clinic below, the nearest bus stops, nearby Hospital - Clinic - Rehabilitation Center.
Basic Information/基本信息
Name : Lam Tin Polyclinic General Out-patient Clinic Description : Hospital Authority General Outpatient Clinic List by Cluster Address : 99 Kai Tin Road, Lam Tin(How to get to?🚶)
What are the closest stations to Lam Tin Polyclinic General Out-patient Clinic?
藍田分科診所(72 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 藍田分科診所 station? 690路,城巴e22路,城巴e22p路,九巴216m路,新巴694路,新界區專線小巴17路啟仁樓(157 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 啟仁樓 station? 城巴e22路,城巴e22p路,城巴n29路,九巴15a路,九巴15路,九巴277x路,九巴38路,九巴74S路,城巴E22X路觀塘警署,將軍澳道(168 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 觀塘警署,將軍澳道 station? 城巴A29,城巴E22A,城巴E22C,城巴E22S,城巴N29,城巴NA29,新巴694,新巴796S,新巴N796,新巴N796Ⅱ鯉魚門道,近觀塘警署(172 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 鯉魚門道,近觀塘警署 station? 九龍小巴76B觀塘警署(172 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 觀塘警署 station? 九巴/城巴619X,九巴/城巴690,九巴/新巴N691,九巴16,九巴16M,九巴213M,九巴213S,九巴93K,九巴98,九巴98A觀塘警署(Q1)(172 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 觀塘警署(Q1) station? 九巴296A,九巴296C觀塘警署對面(172 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 觀塘警署對面 station? 新界區專線小巴103路康逸苑(182 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 康逸苑 station? 過海隧巴603路,九巴14D路,九巴15p路,九巴16m路,九巴215x路,九巴216m路,九巴603路,九巴603p路,九巴603s路,九巴889路,九龍區專線小巴24路,九龍區專線小巴63M路,新界區專線小巴17路翠屏南邨(182 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 翠屏南邨 station? 九龍區專線小巴59路未命名通道,近翠屏(南)邨多層停車場(182 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 未命名通道,近翠屏(南)邨多層停車場 station? 九龍小巴59M,九龍小巴59經佳廉道
Services Near Me/附近的服務