This page displays the address, phone number, business hours, fax, email, website, service hours and other contact information of Shama Management Limited. You can find out how to get to Shama Management Limited below, the nearest bus stops, nearby Travel Service Company.
Basic Information/基本信息
Name : Shama Management Limited Description : Accommodation Address : 22 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island(How to get to?🚶) Telephone : 852-31008555 Fax : 852-22923001 Email : Website :
What are the closest stations to Shama Management Limited?
衛蘭軒(13 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 衛蘭軒 station? 城巴1路,城巴37a路,城巴40路,城巴5路,城巴5x路,城巴75路,城巴90路,城巴97路,城巴n90路,新巴23a路,新巴23路,新巴25路,新巴26路晏頓街(21 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 晏頓街 station? 城巴5B路軒尼詩道,近永昌大廈(22 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 軒尼詩道,近永昌大廈 station? 港島小巴10,港島小巴10經美景臺,港島小巴31晏頓街,軒尼詩道(44 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 晏頓街,軒尼詩道 station? 城巴1,城巴11,城巴37A,城巴40,城巴40M,城巴5B,城巴5BⅡ,城巴5X,城巴5XⅡ,城巴75,城巴75Ⅱ,城巴90,城巴930,城巴930A,城巴930X,城巴930Ⅱ,城巴97,城巴N90,城巴N930,新巴23,新巴23B,新巴25,新巴26,新巴26Ⅱ皇后大道東,近GeneraliTower(67 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 皇后大道東,近GeneraliTower station? 港島小巴56A軍器廠街,軒尼詩道(72 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 軍器廠街,軒尼詩道 station? 城巴1,城巴1Ⅱ,城巴37B,城巴37BⅡ,城巴37X,城巴75Ⅱ,城巴789,城巴90,城巴962,城巴962BⅡ,城巴962N,城巴962S,城巴962SⅡ,城巴962X,城巴962Ⅱ,城巴969,城巴969B,城巴969BⅡ,城巴969BⅢ,城巴969N,城巴969P,城巴969PⅡ,城巴969Ⅱ,城巴969Ⅲ,城巴969Ⅳ,城巴969Ⅴ,城巴97Ⅱ,城巴N307Ⅱ,城巴N8X,城巴N90,城巴N962,城巴N969太古廣場三座(101 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 太古廣場三座 station? 九巴/新巴109,九巴/新巴113,九巴603A皇后大道東,近太古廣場三座(101 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 皇后大道東,近太古廣場三座 station? 港島小巴56A皇后大道東,太古廣場三座外(101 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 皇后大道東,太古廣場三座外 station? 港島小巴24A,港島小巴24M熙信大廈(107 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 熙信大廈 station? 101路,103路,104路,111路,115路,182路,621路,641路,680路,681路,城巴1路,城巴37b路,城巴37x路,城巴70路,城巴75路,城巴789路,城巴90路,城巴962路,城巴962p路,城巴962s路,城巴969b路,城巴969路,城巴969p路,城巴97路,城巴n8x路,城巴n90路,過海隧巴104路,過海隧巴182X路,過海隧巴603路,過海隧巴934A路,九巴603路,九巴603p路,九巴934路,九巴935路,九巴960路,九巴960p路,九巴960s路,九巴961路,九巴968路,新巴590a路,307C路,680X路,681P路,城巴N969路,過海隧巴982X路,過海隧巴982X路特別班次,過海隧巴985路,九巴N121路,九巴N182路,九巴N368路,九巴N680路,新巴590S路
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