This page displays the address, phone number, business hours, fax, email, website, service hours and other contact information of Regal Hotels International. You can find out how to get to Regal Hotels International below, the nearest bus stops, nearby Travel Service Company.
Basic Information/基本信息
Name : Regal Hotels International Description : Accommodation Address : 11/F, 68 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Island(How to get to?🚶) Telephone : 852-28951010 Fax : 852-28905073 Email : Website :
What are the closest stations to Regal Hotels International?
富豪酒店(43 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 富豪酒店 station? 九龍區專線小巴46路,九龍區專線小巴49路糖街,怡和街(56 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 糖街,怡和街 station? 城巴A11,城巴E11,城巴E11A,城巴E11B,城巴E11S,城巴NA11伊榮街(59 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 伊榮街 station? 新巴26,新巴26Ⅱ,新巴63,新巴65,新巴8H銅鑼灣總站(60 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 銅鑼灣總站 station? 叮叮車糖街(68 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 糖街 station? 城巴E11A路,城巴E11S路,城巴a11路,城巴e11路,城巴r11路怡和街第2L號(69 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 怡和街第2L號 station? 新界小巴49S怡和街(69 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 怡和街 station? 城巴5B,城巴5BⅡ,城巴5BⅣ,城巴5X,城巴5XⅡ,城巴930X,城巴962,城巴962B,城巴962N,城巴962X,城巴967X,城巴967XⅡ,城巴969,城巴N930,城巴N962,城巴N969,九巴/新巴112,九巴/新巴116,九巴/新巴914,九巴/新巴948,九巴/新巴N122,九巴108,九巴673,九巴936,九巴936A,九巴968,九巴968A,九巴N368,九巴P968,新巴26,新巴26Ⅱ,新巴8邊寧頓街(80 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 邊寧頓街 station? 城巴10,城巴10Ⅱ,城巴19,城巴5B,城巴76,城巴8X,叮叮車,九巴108,九巴108特,新巴63,新巴63Ⅱ,新巴8H聖保祿學校(106 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 聖保祿學校 station? 九巴N182路邊寧頓街利園二期外(110 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 邊寧頓街利園二期外 station? 港島小巴21A,港島小巴21M,港島小巴56,港島小巴56B
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