This page displays the address, phone number, business hours, fax, email, website, service hours and other contact information of JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong. You can find out how to get to JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong below, the nearest bus stops, nearby Travel Service Company.
Basic Information/基本信息
Name : JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong Description : Accommodation Address : Pacific Place , 88 Queensway , Admiralty, Hong Kong Island(How to get to?🚶) Telephone : 852-28108366 Fax : 852-28450737 Email : Website :
What are the closest stations to JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong?
金鐘道(金鐘廊太古廣場)(0 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 金鐘道(金鐘廊太古廣場) station? 港島區專線小巴56A路,港島區專線小巴56路太古廣場(A2)(0 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 太古廣場(A2) station? 九巴900金鐘道,近太古廣場外(0 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 金鐘道,近太古廣場外 station? 港島小巴10太古廣場(0 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 太古廣場 station? 九巴/城巴621,九巴/新巴101,九巴/新巴104,九巴/新巴113,九巴/新巴N121,九巴/新巴N680,九巴603A,九巴934,九巴934A,九巴935,九巴936,九巴936A,九巴960,九巴961,九巴968,九巴978,九巴N368,九巴N373,九巴P968金鐘道,近太古廣場一座(69 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 金鐘道,近太古廣場一座 station? 港島小巴56A太古廣場,金鐘道(91 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 太古廣場,金鐘道 station? 城巴1,城巴10,城巴1P,城巴37A,城巴40,城巴40M,城巴5B,城巴5BⅡ,城巴5X,城巴5XⅡ,城巴6,城巴6A,城巴6X,城巴6XⅡ,城巴6XⅢ,城巴6Ⅱ,城巴6Ⅲ,城巴6Ⅳ,城巴6Ⅴ,城巴6Ⅵ,城巴75,城巴75Ⅱ,城巴90,城巴90C,城巴930,城巴930A,城巴930X,城巴930Ⅱ,城巴962,城巴962B,城巴962N,城巴962X,城巴969,城巴969A,城巴969B,城巴97,城巴A17,城巴E11,城巴E11A,城巴E11B,城巴N11,城巴N8X,城巴N90,城巴N930,城巴N962,城巴N969,新巴15,新巴23,新巴23B,新巴26,新巴26Ⅱ,新巴66金鐘港鐵站(121 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 金鐘港鐵站 station? 叮叮車金鐘港鐵站對面(121 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 金鐘港鐵站對面 station? 電車2路,電車3路,電車5路,電車6路金鐘(125 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 金鐘 station? 港島區專線小巴11路,港島區專線小巴31路金鐘巴士總站(125 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 金鐘巴士總站 station? 601路
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