This page displays the address, phone number, business hours, fax, email, website, service hours and other contact information of Hotel ICON. You can find out how to get to Hotel ICON below, the nearest bus stops, nearby Travel Service Company.
Basic Information/基本信息
Name : Hotel ICON Description : Accommodation Address : 17 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon(How to get to?🚶) Telephone : 852-34001000 Fax : 852-34001001 Email : Website :
What are the closest stations to Hotel ICON?
尖東港鐵站(144 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 尖東港鐵站 station? 嶼巴1R紅磡海底隧道收費廣場(154 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 紅磡海底隧道收費廣場 station? 九巴/城巴102,九巴/城巴102P,九巴/城巴103,九巴/城巴107,九巴/城巴107P,九巴/城巴107假日,九巴/城巴117,九巴/城巴118,九巴/城巴118P,九巴/城巴170,九巴/城巴170假日,九巴/城巴171,九巴/城巴171A,九巴/城巴171P,九巴/城巴171假日,九巴/城巴182,九巴/城巴N118,九巴/城巴N170,九巴/城巴N171,九巴/城巴N182,九巴/新巴101,九巴/新巴101X,九巴/新巴104,九巴/新巴106,九巴/新巴106A,九巴/新巴106P,九巴/新巴109,九巴/新巴110,九巴/新巴111,九巴/新巴111P,九巴/新巴112,九巴/新巴113,九巴/新巴115,九巴/新巴115P,九巴/新巴116,九巴/新巴301,九巴/新巴N121,九巴/新巴N122,九巴108,九巴108特,九巴N368,九巴N373麽地道總站(170 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 麽地道總站 station? 九龍區專線小巴7路尖沙咀東總站(170 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 尖沙咀東總站 station? 九巴13X,九巴208,九巴26,九巴26X,九巴35A,九巴35X,九巴41A,九巴98D,九巴98P尖東尖少咀東巴士總站(183 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 尖東尖少咀東巴士總站 station? 尖東站(183 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 尖東站 station? 九巴/新巴110,九巴12,九巴12P,九巴13X,九巴14X,九巴203C,九巴203S,九巴208,九巴213X,九巴215P,九巴215X,九巴219X,九巴224X,九巴230X,九巴237A,九巴242X,九巴26,九巴260X,九巴268B,九巴269B,九巴26X,九巴270A,九巴270C,九巴271S,九巴28,九巴280X,九巴281B,九巴281X,九巴287D,九巴35A,九巴35X,九巴36X,九巴41A,九巴5,九巴5A,九巴5C,九巴5P,九巴5X,九巴8,九巴81C,九巴87D,九巴87E,九巴8A,九巴8P,九巴9,九巴92R,九巴98D,九巴98P,九巴N216,九巴N241,九巴N271,九巴N281,九巴N283,九巴N287,九巴N41X,九巴T270錦繡花園專線巴士站(195 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 錦繡花園專線巴士站 station? 香港科學館(216 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 香港科學館 station? 九巴/新巴110,九巴13X,九巴208,九巴213X,九巴215P,九巴215X,九巴219X,九巴224X,九巴26,九巴26X,九巴271S,九巴28,九巴287D,九巴35A,九巴41A,九巴5,九巴5C,九巴5P,九巴5X,九巴8,九巴87D,九巴8A,九巴98D,九巴98P,九巴N216,九巴N241,九巴N271,九巴N281,九巴N41X漆鹹道南,近香港科學館(216 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 漆鹹道南,近香港科學館 station? 九龍小巴8,九龍小巴8P,九龍小巴8S科學館(216 Metres), what are the buses that stop at the 科學館 station? 城巴973路,城巴973p路,城巴a21路,城巴e21x路
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